Sudah rubuh Babel! - Teologi Yawis Ben, api asing, Talmud dan implikasi eskatologisnya Babylon has collapsed! - Theology of Yawis Ben, foreign fire, Talmud and its eschatological implications Section Articles
One of the questions that often arises in end-time seminars is the verse in the Book of Revelation that says Babylon will fall (Rev. 18: 10,21). How should you interpret the text? The author proposes that the fall of Babylon has both literal and figurative significance, and has clear eschatological significance as will be explained later.
Salah satu pertanyaan yang kerap muncul dalam seminar-seminar akhir zaman, adalah mengenai ayat dalam Wahyu yang mengatakan bahwa Babel akan jatuh (Why. 18:10,21). Bagaimana sebaiknya memaknai teks tersebut? Penulis mengajukan pendapat bahwa jatuhnya Babel memiliki makna literal dan figuratif sekaligus, dan memiliki signifikansi eskatologis yang jelas seperti yang akan dijelaskan nanti.
- (1) Cindy Jacobs. The voice of God. Light publisher, 2017
- (2) Neale Donald Walsch. Conversations with God. 1996. See a review of why this book has deceptive satanic teaching: url:
- (3) G.J. Baan, TULIP. Surabaya: Penerbit Momentum, 2008
- (4) Lihat juga Paul McGuire & T. Anderson. The Babylon Code. url:
- (5) lihat (6) Evidence Bible, comfortable KJV. url: