History of the Development of Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Satyabhakti Sejarah Pengembangan Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Satyabhakti Section Articles
Education is important for the current global changes. Education leads human beings to grow in knowledge as well. Charles A. Tidwel says, “Persons have an inherent capacity for growing and developing physically, intellectually, emotionally, and morally.” Furthermore, Tidwell emphasizes that human being is created by God as an intelligent being. Human beings are intelligent people and they will grow in their knowledge according to what they have learned in their life. They learn from what they have seen and heard, then will lead them into a change. To live means to change. Therefore, change is the essence of life. Change is inescapable and the Church today experience the change of the society.
- Ban, Joseph D. Education for Change. Valley Forge, PA: The Judson Press, 1968.
- Budiono, Gatut BAN-PT Akreditasi STT Satyabhakti http://malang-post.com/metro-raya/76489ban-pt-akreditasi-stt-satyabhakti. Accessed on November 16, 2015.
- Ford, David F. “Introduction to Modern Christian Theology,” The Modern Theologians: An Introduction to Christian Theology in the Twentieth Century, volume I. Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell, 1989.
- Lim, David. “The Challenge of Balancing Spirit and Academics in Asia Pentecostal Theological Institutions,” Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies, vol. 17, issue 1. February, 2014, 85-93.
- Rencana Operasional STT Satyabhakti Tahun 2008-2013 or “Operational Plan 2008-2013 of STT Satyabhakti,” unprinted file.
- Self-Study, A study undertaken by STT SATI in application for continued accreditation by the Asia Pacific Theological Association. Malang, IN: Study Concluded on December 2013, unprinted paper.
- STT. Satyabhakti, Sejarah, http://www.sttsati.org/index.php/home/tentang-sati-menu/sejarahmenu (accessed on November 16, 2015). See also Assemblies of God of Indonesia, Gereja Sidang Jemaat Allahhttp://www.gsja.org/departemen/departemen-pendukungmisi/pendidikan/stt-satyabhakti/. accessed on November 16, 2015.
- Tidwell, Charles A. Educational Ministry of a Church: an Introduction to Educational Administration. Nashville, TN: Broadman Press, 1982.
- Tupamahu, Ekaputra. “American Missionaries and Pentecostal Theological Education in Indonesia,” Global Renewal Christianity: Spirit Empowered Movements: Past, Present, and Future. Volume 1, edited by Vinson Synan and Amos Yong (Asia and Oceania). https://books.google.com.ph/books?id=SZ8jCQAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover#v=on epage&q&f=false. Accessed on November 17, 2015.
- _________________,. “Pentecostal Feeling in Conversation with William James and Rudolf Otto: A Preliminary Exploration,” A Theology of the Spirit in Doctrine and Demonstration: Essays in Honor of Wonsuk and Julie Ma. Edited by Teresa Chai. Baguio City, PH: APTS Press, 2014.
- Willis, Jr., Avery T. “Contextualization of Theological Education in Indonesia,” Discipling Through Theological Education by Extension. Edited by Vergil Gerber. Chicago: Moody Press, 1980.