
Welko Marpaung
Vido Fransisco


The Pentecostal Oneness’ view of God significantly deviates from the
doctrine of the Trinity. However, it is precisely this concept of
understanding that most of Trinitarian Pentecostal Christians indirectly
understand the concept of the Godhead. Oneness Pentecostals reject the
concept of the Trinity by teaching that God is one person revealed in Jesus
Christ, with no personal distinction between the Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit. This rejection creates fundamental theological differences that
affect Christians' understanding of the nature of God. This study aims to
analyze the Pentecostal Oneness’ doctrine of God through the lens of the
oikoumenical creeds, which represents the Trinitarian view. The results
show that the Pentecostal Oneness teaching carries theological
implications that contradict the doctrine of the Trinity affirmed in the
Oikoumenical Creeds. Through theological analysis, it was found that the
doctrine of Oneness misleads Trinitarian Pentecostal Christians' view of
God, which should be understood within the framework of the Trinity. This
research emphasizes the significance of maintaining the doctrine of the
Trinity and provides direction for the churches to respond appropriately to
the Pentecostal Oneness teaching to avoid distortion in theological



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