Teologi Ibadah dan Spiritualitas Generasi Milenial Worship Theology and Spirituality of the Millennial Generation Section Articles
Discourse about millennial generation and religious campaigns has become a worldwide spotlight in various sectors of life. Their existence is the best commodity in human history. In addition, technological advances through the internet are very binding on them so that the millennial generation is a group that grows and is familiar also dependent on gadget technology that masters social media as their new religion. The Church as a Treaty for implementing theology. Warnings and solutions to solutions from Marva J. Dawn and related liturgical figures also support the role of orthodoxy, orthopraxis, and orthopathy from Worship Theology to hold its missiological responsibilities reversed with the help of contemporary worship.
Diskursus tentang generasi milenial dan persoalan keagamaan telah menjadi sorotan mendunia dalam berbagai sektor hidup. Keberadaan angkatan mereka menjadi komoditi penting saat ini dan ke depannya. Di samping itu, kemajuan teknologi lewat jaringan internet sangat mengikat mereka sehingga generasi milenial adalah sebuah kelompok yang tumbuh dan akrab serta tergantung dengan teknologi gadget yang menTuan-kan media sosial sebagai agama baru mereka. Gereja sebagai konteks pelaksanaan Teologi Ibadah menghadapi kondisi ini. Peringatan dan rekonstruksi solusi dari Marva J. Dawn dan tokoh-tokoh liturgis lainnya turut menunjukkan pentingnya peran ortodoksi, ortopraksis dan ortopati dari Teologi Ibadah untuk menunjukkan tanggung jawab misiologisnya yang bersifat upside-down melalui ibadah kekinian.
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- Beek. Aart Van, Pendampingan Pastoral. Jakarta: BPK Gunung Mulia, 2007.
- Bolt, John, “The Problem of Polarization in the Christian Reformed Community,” dalam Orthodoxy and Orthopraxis in the Reformed Community Today, ed. John Bolt, vol. 1, Christian Reformed Perspectives [Ontario: Paideia, 1986], 21-25.
- Bowe, Barbara E. Biblical Foundations of Spirituality. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefiled Publishers Inc., 2003.
- Chesterton, G.K. Orthodoxy. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co. 1908.
- Dawn, Marva J. A Royal Waste of Time: The Splendor of Worshiping God and Being Church for the World. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1999.
- Dawn J Marva. Reaching Out without Dumbing Down: The Theology of Worship for the Turn of the Century Culture. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1995.
- Didache: Faithful Teaching 15:2 (Winter 2016)
- Dyrness, William. A Primer of Christian Worship: Where We’ve Been, Where We Are, Where We Can Go. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2009.
- Edwards, Jonathan. Religious Affections in The Works of Jonathan Edwards, vol. 2, diedit oleh John E. Smith. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1959.
- Florovsky, George. “Worship and Every-Day Life: An Eastern Orthodox View,” Studia Liturgica 2 (December 1963):268.