Unmasking the Devil by John Ramirez


Victor Christianto


Meski banyak orang, bahkan orang Kristen, menyangkal kuasa iblis, namun demikian toh tidak dapat disangkal bahwa berbagai masalah yang berhubungan dengan satanisme, pemujaan setan, gereja setan dsb. telah menjadi bagian dari kesadaran banyak umat percaya sehari-hari. Bahkan praktek pengusiran setan telah dikenal di lingkungan gereja sejak berabad-abad silam menurut S. Kyle Johnson dari Boston College.



  1. Gabriele Amorth. Father Amorth: My battle against Satan. Sophia Institute Press, Oct. 2018. url: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/42255577-father-amorth
  2. Gabriele Amorth, Nicoletta V. MacKenzie et al.. An exorcist tells his story. Ignatius Press, first published 1990. url: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/179779.An_Exorcist_Tells_His_Story
  3. S. Kyle Johnson. Exorcisms have been part of Christianity for centuries. The Conversation, Dec. 17th, 2018. url: https://theconversation.com/exorcisms-have- been-part-of-christianity-for-centuries-107932
  4. Opoku Onyinah. The Practice of Exorcism in the Church of Pentecost: 1937–1987. A book chapter in Pentecostal Exorcism: Witchcraft and Demonology in Ghana. Brill, Jan. 2012, pp. 139-170. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004397101_009. url: https://brill.com/view/book/9789004397101/B9789004397101_s009.xml
  5. Paul G. Hiebert. Anthropological Insights for Missionaries. Baker Publishing Group, 1986, 316 p. ISBN: 9780801042911.